, an act of physical force that causes or is intended to cause harm. The damage inflicted by violence may be physical, psychological, or both. Violence may be distinguished from aggression, a more general type of hostile behaviour that may be physical, verbal, or passive in nature.

Violence is a relatively common type of 
human behaviour that occurs throughout the world. People of any age may be violent, although older adolescents and young adults are most likely to engage in violent behaviour. Violence has a number of negative effects on those who witness or experience it, and children are especially susceptible to its harm. Fortunately, various programs have been successful at preventing and reducing violence. (Britannica)
Image result for violence

Television and Video Violence

Virtually since the dawn of television, parents, teachers, legislators and mental health professionals have wanted to understand the impact of television programs, particularly on children. Of special concern has been the portrayal of violence, particularly given psychologist Albert Bandura's work in the 1970s on social learning and the tendency of children to imitate what they see. 

As a result of 15 years of “consistently disturbing” findings about the violent content of children's programs, the Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior was formed in 1969 to assess the impact of violence on the attitudes, values and behavior of viewers. The resulting report and a follow-up report in 1982 by the National Institute of Mental Health identified these major effects of seeing violence on television:

  • Children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others.
  • Children may be more fearful of the world around them.
  • Children may be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others.
  • (

     Violence/Terrorism/Criminal Activity/Anarchy

FBI Terrorism definitions 

International terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups who are inspired by, or associated with, designated foreign terrorist organizations or nations (state-sponsored)

Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature


WARNING!! Some videos contain violent scenes which may be offensive to some viewers.

 Mankind On Earth Has A History Of Violence
Genesis 6:12-13  And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.  And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. 

2Timothy 3:13  But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived

This video shows just how HORRIBLE a police officer’s job truly is 6/17/2020


t in Dana Point 2/4/2023

Athena Strand found dead after being kidnapped by FedEx driver 12/3/2022

Naugatuck police provide  ‘horrific and gruesome’ details in death of 11-month-old girl 11/21/2022

Chicago Man Accused of Attacking Woman and Stealing Her Car 11/13/2022

"Full On" Advert from the Citizens For Sanity 9/3/2022

Illinois to Release Murderers, Rapists, and Arsonists with No Jail Time 9/6/2022

NYPD Officers Hit with Bottles amid Struggle with Crowd: ‘The Criminal Element Is Emboldened’ 8/4/2022

WARNING! WAR CRIME FOOTAGE: Ukrainian Troops Viciously Torture Captured Russian Soldiers  3/27/2022

73-Year-Old Grandma Dead After Violent Carjacking by Teens: Cops 3/24/2022

California Neighbors Say Violent Vandals Terrorizing Area: “Looks Like ‘The Purge'”  3/15/2022

Man wanted for rape inside Bronx apartment building 3/12/2022

Man pushing shopping cart in Brooklyn finds woman's torso inside 3/3/2022

Father shoots, kills his 3 children inside Sacramento County church before killing self 3/1/2022..

Mother of 5-year-old Indiana boy abandoned in Ohio arrested 2/19/2022

Calvin Crew Charged With Homicide In Shooting Death Of Uber Driver Christi Spicuzza 2/18/22

Melissa Blair indicted on 18 child rape charges; Sheriff says there are more victims 2/17/2022

Woman pregnant with twins set on fire by boyfriend, Detroit police say; suspect gets $50K bond 1/19/2022

3 family members taken into custody, charged after death of missing 6-year-old: police 1/8/2022

Man Allegedly Tries to Strangle Woman at Bus Stop with Shoelace 1/6/2022
                             Charlotte kidnapping suspect has criminal history of assaulting women 12/17/2021

Gas station clerk shot in the face without warning, police say 12/7/2022

New Jersey mother charged in stabbing death of infant daughter 12/5/2021

Leftist Race War Targeting White People Exposed in the Wake of Waukesha Terror Attack 11/22/2021

Good samaritan helps officer in trouble 2/4/2022

14-Year-Old to Be Tried as Adult for Allegedly Stabbing Teenage Girl 114 Times 5/30/2021

Here Comes The Purge - Larry Pinkney &  Darrin McBreen 4/30/2021

Harmful Effects Of Alcohol And Drug Abuse - Leads to Violence, Death

Two 14-Year-Olds Arrested for Allegedly Stabbing a Mom Delivering Food to Earn Extra Money 1/29/2021

Bystanders Ignore Hit-And-Run Victim In Street - Society At It's Worst

Antifa/BLM Attack Female Journalist in New York City, Police Stand Down 1/10/2021

Antifa: Rise of the Black Flags 11/1/2020


Philadelphia Protests & RIOTS National Guard Called Up (10/31/2020)

Black Lives Matter & Antifa Terrorize Small Minnesota Town
Democrat candidate for Minnesota State House went crazy, screaming at neighborhood children. Note: Caution! Cursing. 8/16/2020

Father Killed, 7-Year-Old Wounded as Shots Ring Out at Youth Football Game  10/20/2020

Black Lives Matter Exposed Big Time 10/2/2020

Trump Supporter Says Family Targeted By Arsonists 9/23/2020


Two police officers shot in Louisville amid protests over Breonna Taylor ruling 9/24/2020

RITTENHOUSE: The Line In The Sand 9/4/2020

Founder of Black Lives Matter Admits Occultism At Center of BLM 9/2/2020

Shooting Attack on PGPD Officers 8/24/2020

Antifa/BLM Thug Kicks Man In Head / Attack Women And Ransack Truck  8/17/2020

Note: Video contains violent assault and cursing.


Compilation: BLM Protesters Face Off With Police Outside White House 6/25/2020

You're NOT Alone! Millions Preparing To Fight Back! 6/17/2020

Black Lives Matter Is A Globalist Trojan Horse 6/9/2020

Seattle Protester Explains The New Name "CHOP"


Violence erupts at California protests 6/1/2020

Hero trucker who saved sex captive: ‘I’ve got daughters’ 2/15/2015