Misc. & Informative Videos

(Videos That May Not Come Under One Of The Categories Above);

FAKE ALIEN INVASION ALERT: Disclosure Project Founder Dr. Steven Greer Issues An Emergency Warning To Trump - The Global Transnational Deep State Is Preparing To Launch A Massive Fake Alien Invasion That Is Designed To Cause A Societal Collapse 100X Worse Than Their Covid Attack! 3/7/2025

Alex Jones Debates Messianic Jew Who Believes He Has Discovered the Root of All Evil 1/3/24
Drew Hernandez: The U.S. Was Founded On The Rock Of Christ 12/29/2023
Historic Bombshell: New Footage Proves January 6th Was An Inside Job 11/19/2023
                          Money, Mayhem, Madness - America is Dead | Steve Quayle-The Hagmann Report  5/4/2023

                                     Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, joined 'Fox & Friends' to discuss the report and America's 'bankrolling' of Ukrainian aid in its war against Putin  2/23/2023
                            REMEMBER ASHLEY BABBITT

Ashli Elizaabeth Babbitt, 35 was a wife and a 14-Year Veteran who served four tours with the U.S. Air Force and worked as a high level security official throughout her service. Her husband says she was a strong supporter of President Trump, and was a great patriot to all who knew her,” She was shot and killed by a Capital Policeman on Jan 6, 2021 as she entered the Capital. Ashli was unarmed and posed no threat to the officer or any other person present.

Friday on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson derided those who he claimed had used the January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill riots, including members of Congress, to override Bill of Rights protections and steal what he called “core freedoms.” Carlson reminded viewers about the death of Ashli Babbitt 1/6/2023

ICD10 Codes Track the Vaxxed, Shot VAIDS Cover-up, Democide - Hagmann Report 1/13/2023 

Delusion Unto Destruction | Steve Quayle & Jamie Walden Join Doug Hagmann 1/5/2023

False & Controlled Narratives - Satan's Soldiers Are Turning the Devil's Lies into Truths Embraced by the Deluded | Steve Quayle | 12/15/2022

Celente and the Judge: How Low Can Amerika Go 11/9/2022

Americans are Sleepwalking into WW3, says Author of Bioweapons Treaty 10/17/22
Biodigital Convergence, Digital Currency Plan & Biden's E.O. 14081 Set the Stage for Demonic Fusion | Doug Hagmann | The Hagmann Report 9/19/2022

Green Beret Running For Office And Podcasting Live From Maximum Security Jail Cell In Clearwater Florida 9/14/2022
Biden delivers most devisive, hate-filled speech  9/1/2022

America Under Siege - A special report about the war to take down FOOD and ENERGY 7/8/2022

Straight Pride Parade: Marching for the "Oppressed Majority"  9/30/2019

We are at War Right Now – Catherin Austin Fitts 4/16/2022

Godly Defiance vs Satanic Compliance | Steve Quayle Joins Doug Hagmann | The Hagmann Report (FULL SHOW) 3/17/2022

Mutually Assured Destruction 3/2/2020

Pentagon Funded Bio-Weapons Labs in the Ukraine 3/5/2022
The First Casualty Of War Is The Truth 3/2/2022
10 Years: Watch the Legacy of Andrew Breitbart All-Star Tribute 3/1/2022

I Can't Answer That': Asst. FBI Director Refuses To Answer Ted Cruz Questions About January 6 1/11/2022

Fed Ops Exposed at Jan 6th Protest as Globalists Prep False Flag Rebellion to Demonize Opposition to Great Reset  1/5/2022

The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé 7/4/2021

American Gulag 7/28/2021

Absolute Proof - Michael Lindell - From AFA Of KY DVD #102

Dr. Steve Pieczenik - What's Up With Trump?  2/4/2021


Capitol Police Shooting Air Force Veteran Ashli Babbitt  1/6/2021

Ashli Elizaabeth Babbitt, 35 was a wife and a 14-Year Veteran who served four tours with the U.S. Air Force and worked as a high level security official throughout her service. Her husband says she was a strong supporter of President Trump, and was a great patriot to all who knew her,” KUSI reported Wednesday. 

Warning: THE FOOTAGE YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE IS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!! This video shows the actual shooting of Ashli Babbitt.


Embedded Chips - Wave of the Future (From Infowars)

Spiritual War - Mike Adams (From Infowars)

Chinese Dictator Makes Threat Against Taiwan and the U.S. (Newswars 1-6-19)

Your Tax Dollars Pay for the Soros Foundation (From Newswars)



Hans von Spakovsky: Missing Ballots in Three States Exceed Joe Biden’s Victory Margins 9/1/2021