The telecommunications industry is actively promoting and
marketing 5G (or 5th Generation) Technology and the Internet of
Things with glossy ads and reassuring television commercials. They
promise that 5G will bring enhanced communications, jobs, and an
economic boost to our cities and our nation. Researchers,
physicists, biologists and physicians argue, however, that there
are health, safety, environmental, privacy, security and energy use
issues that have not been addressed before the widespread rollout.
These scientists predict a biological, environmental as well as
societal disruption resulting from this technology that will be
difficult or impossible to reverse.The
far-reaching Telecommunications Act
of 1996 helps businesses roll out wireless and simultaneously
dismisses health or environmental concerns. (Physicians for Safe
Until now, mobile broadband networks have been designed
to meet the needs of people. But 5G has been created with machines’
needs in mind, offering low-latency, high-efficiency data transfer.
It achieves this by breaking data down into smaller packages,
allowing for faster transmission times. Whereas 4G has a
fifty-millisecond delay, 5G data transfer will offer a mere
one-millisecond delay–we humans won’t notice the difference, but it
will permit machines to achieve near-seamless communication. Which
in itself may open a whole Pandora’s box of trouble for us – and
our planet. (Eluxe Magazine)
The United States is in a race
against countries including China, to lead the 5G revolution and the
multibillion-dollar economies it will enable. Former FCC chairman
Tom Wheeler stresses the billions of dollars 5G will bring the
industry, states "we will not wait for standards" and demands that
"people stay out of the way of technological advancement." (
How to protect yourself from EMF,
5G and electropollution – an interview with Dr. Basima Williams with
Escape Zone 12/5/2024
The Silent Weapon You Take
Everywhere 9/20/2023
Cell Phone Radiation Causing Spike In Alzheimer’s? And In
Young People 4/27/2022
Scientific Study Concludes That 5G Exacerbated COVID
How 5G alters blood cell permeability, amplifying coronavirus
fatalities 4/16/2020
Banned David Icke 5G Interview In Full 4/8/2020
A recent scientific paper explains how 5G creates
coronavirus like structures within human cells 7/23/2020
Dr. Thomas Cowan Claims 5G Radiation Poisoning Could Be Causing Coronavirus
US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless
Technology Health Risks 2/8/2019
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler in 2016 Explains how 5G will be
implemented, without regards to regulation or health concerns.
Profits for telecom companies is the driving force for this new
5G: Next Gen Health Dangers (Documentary) 1/3/2020
Dr. Martin Pall To The NIH
Experts 5G Roundtable: There Is No Escape Except By Abolitio
U.N. Staff Member. 5G is War On Humanity 11/25/2019
4G/5G Health Concerns 2/15/2019
5G Technology Results that will Literally Melt Your Heart 3/26/2019
FDA ‘Ignoring The Evidence’ on
Cellphones & Cancer
Mobile Phone Radiation Risks - ABC the Catalyst program 2/16/2016
wireless towers raise health, property value concerns
Is A Cell Tower Causing Cancer In School Children? 3/12/2019
Cell Towers on School Grounds Are Not Safe: George Washington
University Scientific Lecture Excerpt 9/19/2015
5G: Cancer, Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Cell Tower, Wireless Radiation Health
Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson | TEDxBerkeley
Scientists Warn of Health Effects: Washington DC Council 5G Small Cell Roundtable
Barrie Trower The Real Dangers of 5G and Wifi technologies
Senator Patrick Colbeck Testifies Against 5G: Hearing 2018
The Dangers of the 5G Wireless network. Dr. Paul Heroux Testifies at Michigan's 5G Small Cell Tower
Legislation Hearing
October 4, 2018
Can cell phones really cause cancer? NIH researchers confirm link